The skills competitions for people with (labour) disabilities

If you want to participate in the Skills Plus competitions, if you want to put in as a volunteer or want to support us, please contact us.
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Click on your country’s flag to access information on Skills+ Competitions in your language!



What is Skills Plus?

Skills Plus are the skills competitions for people with (labour) disabilities. No one is judged on his or her disability – only talent counts! Read more

Why participate?

Show what you can do! Work in a professional team with guidance from experts! Get in touch with people from all over Europe! Test your skills and get a European recognized certificate! And many more! Show all

How to participate

Participating countries have different ways of selecting their team members so if you want to participate, it is best to reach out to the contactperson(s) in your country.


In the schedule you can see the planning of the National and European Skills Plus competitions.




 On the 23rd of June 2021, the National Competition for Professional Skills for people with labour disabilities took place in Larissa, Greece. The event was organized by iED, and the participants were from the Daily Centre for people with disabilities...

Победители в Европейското състезание за професионални умения за хора с увреждания – SKILLS+

Победители в Европейското състезание за професионални умения за хора с увреждания – SKILLS+

Второто SKILLS+ европейско състезание за професионални умения за хора с увреждания приключи. То се проведе в различен от предвидения формат и беше предизвикателство и за участниците и за организаторите. Отбори от 10 Европейски държави представиха професионалните си...