by Gergana Pencheva | Jun 15, 2021 | Bulgaria, News
On June 11, 2021, the Second National Competition for Professional Skills for People with Disabilities was in Tryavna, Bulgaria. There were participants from two organisations – Day Center and Center for Social Rehabilitation and Integration. The host and...
by Prowork | May 13, 2021 | News, The Netherlands
For ICT we had the competition held in the Foundation Knowledge Centre Pro Work Head office. Where Pro Work provided the kids with laptops for their ICT assignment. The assignment was: The participants had to create a logo, based on the Skills+ Logo, create a format...
by Prowork | May 13, 2021 | News, The Netherlands
Last couple of weeks were very busy in the Netherlands for our Skills+ competition. The competition was held for the categories: Hospitality and Catering & ICT. Due to COVID-19, we weren’t able to hold a face2face competition for the participating teams. We came...
by Gergana Pencheva | Apr 2, 2021 | News
The goals of this day are: to encourage early diagnosis, to provoke tolerance and empathy and to facilitate the inclusion of these people in society.According to experts, people with autism can be successfully realised in various professions. Autism is increasingly...
by Gergana Pencheva | Mar 18, 2021 | Bulgaria, News
Преди четири години в Амстердам, Холандия, се проведе Европейското състезание за професионални умения за хора с увреждания. Участие взеха силно мотивирани и подготвени състезатели с различни по вид и степен увреждания от 6 Европейски държави. Те доказаха пред себе си...
by Gergana Pencheva | Mar 18, 2021 | Bulgaria, News
Four years ago, the European Competition for Professional Skills for People with Disabilities was held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The event was attended by well-prepared and very excited people from 6 European countries. The participants proved to themselves and...