All good things must come to an end

All good things must come to an end

We would like to announce that we have successfully completed the SKILLS + project! All National competitions were prepared, organised and conducted – each partner conducted the competitions in a format that the Covid19 situation imposed in the respective...


 On the 23rd of June 2021, the National Competition for Professional Skills for people with labour disabilities took place in Larissa, Greece. The event was organized by iED, and the participants were from the Daily Centre for people with disabilities...
Победители в Европейското състезание за професионални умения за хора с увреждания – SKILLS+

Победители в Европейското състезание за професионални умения за хора с увреждания – SKILLS+

Второто SKILLS+ европейско състезание за професионални умения за хора с увреждания приключи. То се проведе в различен от предвидения формат и беше предизвикателство и за участниците и за организаторите. Отбори от 10 Европейски държави представиха професионалните си...
Победители в Европейското състезание за професионални умения за хора с увреждания – SKILLS+

SKILLS+ European Competition – Awarding ceremony

The second SKILLS + European competition for professional skills for people with disabilities is over! It was held in a different format than planned and was a challenge for participants and organisers. Teams from 10 European countries presented their professional...